Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Survival meets Consumerism

I came across this on Facebook:

This time of year is terrible.  Being bombarded with advertisements that encourage you to buy, possess, own, have, purchase.  Here and there a lost advertisement for charity and poverty and need.

Don't get me wrong:  I live in this world.  This consumerist world.  I buy my kids lavish gifts, purchase books and stuff all year long.  I own an expensive house, my own car, luxuries. 
I consider my status in this world in my job as a university lecturer and my ego puffs up a bit more whenever I drive in our (even more) luxurious Volvo. 

In my own small way, the only time I really think about poverty and people suffering, is when I chuck away food that has spoiled in my fridge.  Then I always think of some mother somewhere who would give her limbs if her child could only have what I'm chucking out. 

I can't help thinking that the way I'm living is wrong:  With all this need in the world, what am I doing or contributing that will make others' lives better?  What have I done today to help a child go to bed with a full tummy? 

This Christmas will be different in our house, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Me Hearties xxx
    Sounds warm & wonderful - something I could live with on a semi-permanent basis. You know, olives and fresh produce off the land.
    You relax and enjoy now! That's a friendly ORDER!
    Pa xxx
